The Paribus protocol is governed and upgraded by PBX token-holders, using three distinct components; the PBX token, governance module (Governor Delegator), and Timelock. Together, these contracts allow the community to propose, vote, and implement changes through the administrative functions of a pToken or the Comptroller. Proposals can modify system parameters, support new markets, or add entirely new functionality to the protocol.
Holders of PBX tokens may stake their tokens in order to get voting rights. Proposals for governance may be made by addresses having at least 10.000.000 voting power.
When a governance proposal is created, it enters a 2 day review period, after which the voting begins. Voting lasts for 5 days; if a majority, and at least 100.000.000 votes are cast for the proposal, it is queued in the Timelock, and can be implemented threedays later. In total, any change to the protocol takes at least 10 days.
PBX is an ERC-20 token that allows the owner to delegate voting rights to themselve by locking it up for a certain period by using the Governor Delegator.
Key Events
ProposalCreated(uint id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint startBlock, uint endBlock, string title, string description)
An event emitted when a new proposal is created.
VoteCast(address voter, uint proposalId, bool support, uint votes, string reason)
An event emitted when a vote has been cast on a proposal.
ProposalCanceled(uint id)
An event emitted when a proposal has been canceled.
NewPBXStake(address indexed account, uint PBXAmount, uint startsAtTimestamp, uint endsAtTimestamp)
An event emitted when an account stake PBX for votes.
PBXWithdrawal(address indexed account, uint PBXAmount, uint startsAtTimestamp, uint endsAtTimestamp)
An event emitted when an account withdraw staked PBX.
PBXRewardCampaignStarted(uint startsAtTimestamp, uint endsAtTimestamp, uint PBXRewardsAmount)
An event emitted when a reward campaign started.
Governor Delegator
Governor Delegator is the governance module of the protocol; it allows addresses with more than 10.000.000 voting power to propose changes to the protocol. Addresses that held voting weight, at the start of the proposal, invoked through the getpriorvotes function, can submit their votes during a 3 day voting period. If a majority, and at least 400,000 votes are cast for the proposal, it is queued in the Timelock, and can be implemented after 2 days.
Start PBX Reward campaign
Launch PBX Rewards Campaign that is distributed among activate participants of the governance.
Governor Delegator
: PBX Rewards Campaign end time.PBXRewardsAmount
: Total PBX amount to be distributedRETURN
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
Calculate PBX Reward
Calculate the amount of PBX that a given account has pending from participating in Governance during an on-going campaign
Governor Delegator
: Account to check for pending rewardsRETURN
: The amount of pending PBX for withdraw
Web3 1.2.6
Withdraw PBX Reward
Withdraw the PBX that a given account has pending from participating in Governance during an on-going campaign
Governor Delegator
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
Stake PBX
Stake PBX to receive votes. Votes received depends on the staking period.
Governor Delegator
: PBX amount to be transferred. Can be 0 when updating existing stakePeriodLen only, without changing the amountnewStakePeriodLenSecs
: Stake period length in seconds. Use 0 when updating existing stake without changing existing stakePeriodLenRETURN
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
Withdraw PBX Stake
Withdraw staked PBX after the lockup period finished
Governor Delegator
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
Get Current Votes
Gets the balance of votes for an account as of the current block.
: Address of the account in which to retrieve the number of votes.RETURN
: The number of votes (integer).
Web3 1.2.6
Get Hypothetical Votes
Get hypothetical number of votes for a given account after staking PBX.
: Address of the account in which to retrieve the number of votes.addPBXAmount
: New stake amount. Can be 0 when updating existing stakePeriodLen only, without changing the amountnewStakePeriodLenSecs
: New stake period length in blocks. Use 0 when updating existing stake without changing existing stakePeriodLenRETURN
: The number of votes (integer).
Web3 1.2.6
Quorum Votes
The required minimum number of votes in support of a proposal for it to succeed.
Governor Delegator
: The minimum number of votes required for a proposal to succeed.
Web3 1.2.6
Proposal Threshold
The minimum number of votes required for an account to create a proposal. This can be changed through governance.
Governor Delegator
: The minimum number of votes required for an account to create a proposal.
Web3 1.2.6
Proposal Max Operations
The maximum number of actions that can be included in a proposal. Actions are functions calls that will be made when a proposal succeeds and executes.
Governor Delegator
: The maximum number of actions that can be included in a proposal.
Web3 1.2.6
Voting Delay
The number of Ethereum blocks to wait before voting on a proposal may begin. This value is added to the current block number when a proposal is created. This can be changed through governance.
: 30 days
Governor Delegator
: Number of blocks to wait before voting on a proposal may begin.
Web3 1.2.6
Voting Period
The duration of voting on a proposal, in Ethereum blocks. This can be changed through governance.
Governor Delegator
: The duration of voting on a proposal, in Ethereum blocks.
Web3 1.2.6
Grace Period
The duration after which a queued proposal becomes invalid.
: 14 days
Create a Proposal to change the protocol. E.g., A proposal can set a cToken's interest rate model or risk parameters on the Comptroller. Proposals will be voted on by delegated voters. If there is sufficient support before the voting period ends, the proposal shall be automatically enacted. Enacted proposals are queued and executed in the Compound Timelock contract.
The sender must hold more PBX than the current proposal threshold (proposalThreshold()
) as of the immediately previous block. The proposal can have up to 10 actions (based on proposalMaxOperations()
The proposer cannot create another proposal if they currently have a pending or active proposal. It is not possible to queue two identical actions in the same block (due to a restriction in the Timelock), therefore actions in a single proposal must be unique, and unique proposals that share an identical action must be queued in different blocks.
Governor Delegator
: The ordered list of target addresses for calls to be made during proposal execution. This array must be the same length as all other array parameters in this function.values
: The ordered list of values (i.e. msg.value) to be passed to the calls made during proposal execution. This array must be the same length as all other array parameters in this function.signatures
: The ordered list of function signatures to be passed during execution. This array must be the same length as all other array parameters in this function.calldatas
: The ordered list of data to be passed to each individual function call during proposal execution. This array must be the same length as all other array parameters in this function.description
: A human readable description of the proposal and the changes it will enact.RETURN
: The ID of the newly created proposal.
Web3 1.2.6
After a proposal has succeeded, it is moved into the Timelock waiting period using this function. The waiting period (e.g. 2 days) begins when this function is called. The queue function can be called by any Ethereum address.
Governor Delegator
: ID of a proposal that has succeeded.RETURN
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
After the Timelock waiting period has elapsed, a proposal can be executed using this function, which applies the proposal changes to the target contracts. This will invoke each of the actions described in the proposal. The execute function can be called by any Ethereum address. Note: this function is payable, so the Timelock contract can invoke payable functions that were selected in the proposal.
Governor Delegator
: ID of a succeeded proposal to execute.RETURN
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
A proposal is eligible to be cancelled at any time prior to its execution, including while queued in the Timelock, using this function.
The cancel function can be called by the proposal creator, or any Ethereum address, if the proposal creator fails to maintain more delegated votes than the proposal threshold (e.g. 25,000).
Governor Delegator
: ID of a proposal to cancel. The proposal cannot have already been executed.RETURN
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
Get Actions
Gets the actions of a selected proposal. Pass a proposal ID and get the targets, values, signatures and calldatas of that proposal.
Governor Delegator
: ID of a proposal in which to get its actions.RETURN
: Reverts if the proposal ID is invalid. If successful, the following 4 references are returned.
Array of addresses of contracts the proposal calls.
Array of unsigned integers the proposal uses as values.
Array of strings of the proposal’s signatures.
Array of calldata bytes of the proposal.
Web3 1.2.6
Get Receipt
Gets a proposal ballot receipt of the indicated voter.
Governor Delegator
: ID of the proposal in which to get a voter’s ballot receipt.voter
: Address of the account of a proposal voter.RETURN
: Reverts on error. If successful, returns a Receipt struct for the ballot of the voter address.
Web3 1.2.6
Gets the proposal state for the specified proposal. The return value, ProposalState
is an enumerated type defined in the Governor Delegator contract.
Governor Delegator
: ID of a proposal in which to get its state.RETURN
: Enumerated type ProposalState. The types are Pending, Active, Canceled, Defeated, Succeeded, Queued, Expired, and Executed.
Web3 1.2.6
Cast Vote
Cast a vote on a proposal. The account's voting weight is determined by the number of votes the account had delegated to it at the time the proposal state became active.
Governor Delegator
: ID of a proposal in which to cast a
: An integer of 0 for against, 1 for in-favor, and 2 for abstain.RETURN
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
Cast Vote With Reason
Cast a vote on a proposal with a reason attached to the vote.
Governor Delegator
: ID of a proposal in which to cast a
: An integer of 0 for against, 1 for in-favor, and 2 for abstain.reason
: A string containing the voter's reason for their vote selection.RETURN
: No return, reverts on error.
Web3 1.2.6
Each protocol contract is controlled by the Timelock contract, which can modify system parameters, logic, and contracts in a 'time-delayed, opt-out' upgrade pattern. The Timelock has a hard-coded minimum delay which is the least amount of notice possible for a governance action. The Timelock contract queues and executes proposals that have passed a Governance vote.
Pause Guardian
The Comptroller contract designates a Pause Guardian address capable of disabling protocol functionality. Used only in the event of an unforeseen vulnerability, the Pause Guardian has one and only one ability: to disable a select set of functions: Mint, Borrow, Transfer, and Liquidate. The Pause Guardian cannot unpause an action, nor can it ever prevent users from calling Redeem, or Repay Borrow to close positions and exit the protocol. PBX token-holders designate the Pause Guardian address, which is held by the Community Multi-Sig.
Last updated