Step-by-step Guide

  1. The first step is ensuring you have a wallet suitable to connect to the governance platform. We always recommend to use a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor. This can be connected via MetaMask -> Connect Hardware wallet.

  1. Once installed, head over to our governance page by following this link:

  1. Users are greeted by the governance dashboard with a familiar look and feel for those who have used our Mainnet V1. From the dashboard, you can see the rewards distribution, your voting power, your rewards, recent proposals, and an overview.

  1. A button to connect your wallet is in the top right corner of the screen. When you click on this, a pop-up will ask you to connect your wallet - either MetaMask or Wallet Connect. We recommend MetaMask.

  1. If you click the MetaMask button, your browser will go through the stages of connecting your wallet and ask for your approval. It will also likely say your wallet isn’t on the Arbitrum network. If this is the case, a message stating you are on an unsupported network will appear, allowing you to switch to this network.

  1. After clicking ‘Switch,’ it will open MetaMask for your approval to switch to the network. Once switched to the Arbitrum network, it will return you to the Governance Dashboard, which shows you the Governance Proposals. You can click to return to the Overview screen from here.

  1. You need to bridge your PBX to Arbitrum. This can be done via from Ethereum to Arbitrum or use if you want to bridge from Cardano to Arbtrium. Until then, you won’t be able to raise or vote on any proposals. However, you can still explore the module.

  1. From the main dashboard, clicking on ‘Rewards Distribution’ will show you how the rewards from staking are being distributed. This rewards are optional and only distributed when an reward campaign is active.

  1. From the main dashboard, clicking on ‘My Voting Power’ takes users to the voting power screen to stake their PBX tokens in return for vePBX. The amount of vePBX users can generate from staking PBX is proportional to the term. For instance, if a user stakes 10,000 PBX for the maximum allowable time, they will receive 10,000 vePBX, which can be used for voting. The lower the staking period, the less vePBX is generated.

  1. From the main dashboard, clicking on ‘My Rewards’ takes users to a screen showing the amount of PBX available to be claimed as a reward for staking. This differs from vePBX, which is generated at the point of staking. Rewards are standard PBX tokens generated from the fees Paribus collects, which are then distributed to stakers.

  1. From the main dashboard, clicking on ‘Recent Proposals’ will show you the latest proposals. All new proposals will appear here.

  1. The actions section shows the smart contract instructions that will be executed once the proposal passes the vote. Beneath that is a description that explains the proposal in plain English. Beneath the description is the proposal history, which details any updates or changes to the proposal and the date and time they were made. Clicking on the ‘Proposal Created’ text takes you through to Etherscan, where you can see the transaction details for the proposal.

  1. Also within the proposal screen is a brief overview, showing whether it is pending, passed, or canceled, along with other helpful information. Beneath these are voting details that show how many wallets have voted for or against the proposal, the number of votes each wallet cast, and their address.

  1. On the main dashboard, next to ‘Recent Proposals’ is an overview showing the total number of proposals and voting addresses. Beneath this are the top three voting addresses showing their wallet address, the number of votes they have, their vote weight as an overall percentage of wallets with voting rights, and the number of proposals they have voted for.

  1. Beneath the top three voting wallets is a ‘SEE LEADERBOARD’ button, which takes users to a leaderboard that shows all of the wallets with voting rights and the same information as above.

  1. A ‘SEE ALL PROPOSALS’ button takes users to a page showing all the proposals raised on the governance platform. This shows the current pending proposals and historic ones that have either passed or failed, along with a tally of the number that have succeeded or been canceled.

  1. A ‘Proposal Creation’ section on this screen allows users with sufficient voting rights to draft and submit a proposal.

Last updated